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The Transport and Logistics aims to prepare students for leading management positions within: the logistics companies and distributors of all kinds; transport companies and other logistics service providers and; public organizations involved in the regulation and planning of transport and logistics within regional, national and international contexts, analyst and project manager, etc.

The programme is designed on the knowledge and research of European-level experts – an intellectual and stimulating learning environment that provides both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in today’s world of transport and logistics. The lecturers of the programme are the leaders of European and Latvian projects in the field of transport and logistics. Students of the programme have different education backgrounds, nationalities and work experience, all of which serve to enrich the learning environment and prepares for activities in international teams and large-scale projects.


In the study process, you will analyse real-world and theoretical problems, developing skills to design solutions for organizations operating under uncertainty and facing complex and rapidly changing markets and technologies. You will gain a strategic perspective of the relationships, flows, chains, processes, and systems comprising the international logistics and transport arena, with long-term sustainability as a key issue. With your transport and logistics systems expertise, you will have a wide choice of challenging career opportunities.

Our alumni are working as: transport system analytics, both in state-owned enterprises and as consultants in various companies; a logistics manager with a production company, controlling the entire logistics chain or in a technology company that is developing traffic and transport systems, where your knowledge and skills will be highly appreciated. You will be prepared for research projects and career development.

Business Information Systems 6
Geography of Transport Systems 3
Logistics Systems and Logistics Chains 6
Methods of Data Analysis and Business Forecasting 6
Transport Economics 6
Research Methodology 3
Research Seminar I 3
Transport Policy of the EU and LR 3
Master’s Dissertation and its Defence
Block B – Specialization Courses
Logistics and Transport Process Modeling 6
Risk Management in Supply Chains 6
Decision Making Methodologies 3
Labour Safety, Civil Defence and Environment Protection 3
Latvian Language 3
Pedagogics and Psychology 3
Practice Management Cargo and Passenger Terminals 15
Practice of Organizing Transportation (Specialization by Type of Transport) 15

Block C – Elective Courses
Subject of Free Choice


as a transport system analytics, employed by public private company,

as a logistics manager with a production company, controlling the entire logistics chain,

as the head of the logistics department of any technology company,

as a researcher who develops modern transport and logistics systems

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Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.
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