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FLHotel Services Specialist (EQF 4)

Studiengebühren 3.200 € pro Semester
Anmeldegebühr Zu bestätigen

You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult.
You can also familiarize yourself with packages baltic.study/en/packages

You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status.

*Do not forget to ask discount


“Hotel Services” is a vocational further education program that awards graduated students with EQF Level 4 “Hotel Service Specialist” qualification (EQF – European Qualifications Framework). EQF 4 is equal to the following national qualifications across Europe – A-level, RQF level 3, Scottish Higher; Abitur (Germany), Matura, Baccalauréat (France), vocational school diploma and others.
The program provides comprehensive knowledge of hotel activities and services to guests in accordance with professional standards. This will enable you to work in local or foreign hotels and resorts, being responsible for delivering guest services. You will also be qualified to run a department.


In order to earn “Hotel Services Specialist” qualification, students have to cover the certain amount of subjects in the span of 1,5 years and cover the requited amount of 960 guided learning hours.
In the first term, hotel classification and standards are discussed, as well as the hotel’s key departments – guest reception and catering. At the end of the semester, the first internship is planned – a month, which takes place in the largest hotels of Latvia (usually Riga center).
In the second term emphasis is put on preparing for internships in foreign resorts. Both the resort’s special services and foreign languages ​​are learned. At the end of the semester, a paid internship in foreign hotels is offered for 3-4 months (there is a possibility to continue the internship in Latvia).
The last, the third term is devoted to mastering the functions of the hotel support departments – marketing, procurement organization, finance. At the end of the program, a professional qualification examination is required.

Contemporary hospitality industry
Housekeeping department
Front office operations
Food and beverage operations
Contemporary gastronomy
Professional communication
Consumer behaviour in hospitality
Record keeping
Finances in hospitality
Labour law
Public Safety & Human/Consumer Services
Professional English/Latvian for foreign students
Professional Spanish/German language
Training practices
Property management software
Conference and banqueting services
Work at the bar
SPA services at the hotel
Procurement in the hospitality company
Final state examination

Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.

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Jetzt bewerben! Frühlingssemester 2025
Die Bewerbungsphase ist abgelaufen

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Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.

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Jetzt bewerben! Frühlingssemester 2025
Die Bewerbungsphase ist abgelaufen

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