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Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Studiengebühren 7.200 $ pro Jahr


The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) aims to provide the student an opportunity to further enhance their business acumen by tying academic concepts to practical applications relevant to current real-world business challenges. The combination of analytical, quantitative, and strategic skills gained through the program provide a foundation from which multiple professional opportunities can be pursued. The program is designed to serve the needs of both fully employed and full-time students.

Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.
Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.