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M.A.Finance and Banking

Studiengebühren 5.460 € pro Jahr
Bewerbungsgebühr 100 € einmalig
Anmeldegebühr Zu bestätigen

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Finance programme has been taught in Lithuanian language for several years and is constantly updated based on recommendations of students and social partners to keep up with scientific and practical changes in finance. This programme is among the most popular Master programmes for the study candidates. The programme received positive evaluations from the international accreditation experts’ team. Starting with 2015, the programme has been offering an opportunity for the best students to obtain a double degree from the University of Siena, Italy during the fourth (additional) semester.
The aim of the programme is to prepare highly qualified finance specialists, able to perform analytical and managerial work in financial institutions and financial units of other organizations.


A graduate can work as an analyst and executive at the ministry of finance, tax inspectorate, at enterprises, organisations, finance and public institutions, and to pursue a career in other fields, where good knowledge in finance and the acquired skills in critical thinking, modern information technologies can be applied.

Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.
Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.