BScAir Transport Systems Management
Lugar de estudios | Letonia, Riga |
Área académica | Transport services (ISCED 84) Aviation studies (JACS H460) |
Tipo | Bachelor, tiempo completo |
Duración nominal | 4/4.5 years |
Idioma de estudio | inglés |
Títulos | BSc (Engineer of air transport systems management (pilot)) |
Colegiatura | 3.400 € por año |
Costo de inscripción | 250 € una vez |
Costo de registro | Por confirmarse You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Calificación de ingreso | Bachillerato/educación secundaria (o superior) Please provide the secondary school leaving certificate in the original language. If the diploma is not issued in English, a certified translation should be provided. The document must be legalised/apostilled. Debes llevar contigo los documentos académicos de ingreso originales cuando vayas a la universidad. |
Requisitos de territorio | NO se aceptan solicitudes de los siguientes territorios (según la ciudadanía): Bangladés, Irak, Pakistán, Yemen. |
Requisitos de idioma | inglés English |
Otros requisitos | online interview |
The student receives knowledge and acquires practical skills in the air transport systems management, prevention of emergency situations and obtains PPL, CPL, ATPL (frozen) licenses which allow him to work as an airline pilot.