MScAviation Transport (3 years)
Lugar de estudios | Letonia, Riga |
Área académica | Aeronautical Engineering 06.8 (ISCED 5251) Aeronautical engineering (JACS H410) |
Tipo | Master, tiempo completo |
Duración nominal | 3 años (181.5 ECTS) |
Idioma de estudio | inglés |
Títulos | MSc (Professional Master Degree in Aviation Transport and Qualification of Mechanical Engineer in Transport Aircraft Technical Maintenance or Avionics Engineer in Transport Aircraft Technical Maintenance) |
Código de curso | AMGA0 |
Acreditación | 29.05.2013 - 31.12.2021; Accreditation certificate No 53 |
Colegiatura | 5.320 € por añoConvertir |
Costo de inscripción | 150 € una vezConvertir |
Depósito | 250 € una vezConvertir Refundable |
Costo de registro | Por confirmarse You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Calificación de ingreso | Diploma de grado superior (o superior) Previous education: Bachelor Degree of Engineering Science in Mechanical Engineering (for studies majoring in Aviation Transport) or Electrical Engineering (for studies majoring in Avionics). Applicants must upload education documents in original language, as well as translations into English. Debes llevar contigo los documentos académicos de ingreso originales cuando vayas a la universidad. |
Requisitos de territorio | NO se aceptan solicitudes de los siguientes territorios (según la ciudadanía): Bangladés, Irak, Pakistán, Yemen. |
Requisitos de idioma | inglés One of next variants, if you have no any of this certificates you can pass University or Baltic Center Exams: |
Otros requisitos | Se debe proveer al menos 2 referencia(s). Every student should pass interview on Skype before receiving the final admission. More details will be provided during the application. |
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