Colegiatura 2.500 € por año
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Health and rational nutrition are not only fashion, but an authentic, steadily growing need witnessed in contemporary society. Specialists with solid, comprehensive knowledge in the field of dietetics are sought and in great demand these days. You can join this group of professionals with very good employment prospects by pursuing studies in the field of Dietetics in the Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw. It is an excellent proposal for people who not only care about being fit and well-nourished themselves, but those who would like to find out how to apply the knowledge of dietetics in practice.

Studies in Dietetics educate professionals in the field. In the course of bachelor’s degree studies at the Vistula School of Hospitality, you will gain competences which will allow you to work in areas of influence on human health and wellbeing. You will gain qualifications which will guarantee you professional success.

What constitutes the greatest advantage of the field of Dietetics – 1st level studies at the main Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw – is its curriculum – unique on the national scale. It has been developed so as to include the healthy human nutrition with particular attention to the diversified physical activity, age, individual physiology as well as nationality or dietary preferences. In the course of studies, you will learn how adequate nutrition can contribute to your fitness, feeling of wellbeing as well as adequate mental and physical condition.

You will develop your competences in the field of dietetics under the supervision of lecturers who are practising dietitians and, simultaneously, research workers. In the course of studies at the Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw you will learn not only to diagnose health problems and recognise the needs of people reporting in the dietician’s practice. You will also learn what nutrition, what diet is most appropriate for a healthy man, depending on their diversified physical activity, age, individual physiology as well as nationality and dietary preferences. The knowledge thus gained will give you independence in composing individual, customised diets. You will also gain competences necessary to support your clients in their work on enhancing their fitness, performance and physical condition. You will learn the technology of food processing and the art of composing dishes. You will practise and hone your professional skills in the course of professional placements in specialised units.

Studies in the field of Dietetics at the Vistula School of Hospitality will let you gain thorough interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and competences in the field of human physiology, food, health promotion, nutritional education as well as the psychology of nutrition and interpersonal communication. You will learn to determine the nutritional needs of individual people resulting from and adjusted to their lifestyle, taking into account their dietary preferences, ensuring their good physical and mental condition or improvement of the state of health. You will also become aware of the absolute necessity of personalising and tailoring human nutritional needs, with particular attention given to the needs of a healthy individual and an individual threatened with civilisation diseases. You will learn to develop educational programmes allowing to shape proper nutritional habits. In the course of practical classes, you will gain skills in the field of nutritional counselling, nutritional planning and communication.

Studies in the filed of Dietetics at the Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw, you will let you gain the reputation of a valuable professional and a secure position in the labour market. You will also embark on an extremely satisfying career involving interesting work with people.

Estructura del curso

The programme of bachelor’s degree studies in the field of Dietetics at the Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw is unique in the country due to the specialties offered. Thanks to the staff of experts and practitioners, you will gain comprehensive knowledge that can be easily transformed into success in the professional field. You will improve your skills during apprenticeships, which will allow you to prepare for work in the dynamically growing dietary industry.

Oportunidades profesionales

dietetic counselling centres by fitness clubs, gyms and sports clubs,
dietetic counselling centres of general access,
schools, kindergartens and nurseries,
dietetic practices conducted as own businesses.

¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024
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