Frais de scolarité 2 950 € par annéeConvertir
Frais de candidature 120 € paiement uniqueConvertir
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To train independently decisions making
specialists, which will work independently or in
a team with dentists and give professional oral
health services, including oral health status
investigation, service giving, according patients’
needs, standardized evaluation of clinical or
prevention service’s needs, systemic individual
and community’s oral health promotion.

Structure du programme

Study subjects (127 credits): Health Philosophy / Health Sociology, Academic and Professional Literacy, Communication Psychology and Conflict Management, Professional Ethics and Bioethics, Oral Anatomy, Microbiology and Histology, Speciality Foreign Language, Dental Hygienist’s Work Environment, Ergonomics and Team Work, Patient’s Health Behavior Correction and Management, General Anatomy and Physiology, Dental Materials and Pharmacology, Internal Diseases and Oral Pathology, Individual Dental Hygiene, Children’s Oral and Dental Diseases, Infection Control in Dentistry, General Biochemistry and Immunology, Professional Dental Hygiene I, Adults’ Oral and Dental Diseases and Anesthesia, First Medical Aid and Injections, Oral Health Research Methods, Epidemiology of Oral Diseases, Public Health, Oral Health and Behavior Course Paper, Diseases of Oral Mucosa and Periodontology, Professional Dental Hygiene II, Work Organization and Quality Management in Dental Institution, Dental Radiology, Professional Dental Hygiene III, Oral Health Promoting Behavior Development in the Community, Professional Dental Hygiene IV, Orthopedic Dentistry, Orthodontics and Implantology. Optional subjects (9 credits). Practices (35 credits): Internship of Oral Diseases Prevention, Internship of Working with a Patient I, Internship of Working with a Patient II, Internship of Working with a Patient and Community, Final Internship.

Opportunités de carrière

Dental Hygiene graduates can work as the dental hygienists in licensed for oral health care services organizations.

Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2025/26
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2025
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2025/26
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2025
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