M.A.Социология организаций и гос. учреждений
Место обучения | Латвия, Елгава |
Научная область | Sociology and cultural studies 14.2 (ISCED 312) Sociology (JACS L300) |
Тип | Магистр, полная академическая нагрузка |
Номинальная продолжительность | 2 года/лет (120 ECTS) |
Язык обучения | английский |
Присваиваемая квалификация | M.A. (Master of Social Sciences in Sociology) |
Плата за обучение | 3 000 € за годКонвертировать |
Плата за рассмотрение заявления | 160 € один разКонвертировать |
Предоплата | 500 € один разКонвертировать |
Регистрационный взнос | Уточняется You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Полученное образование | Диплом о получении высшего образования первой ступени (или выше) Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in social sciences or humanities. Applicants with Bachelor’s degree or professional Bachelor’s degree in other specialities are expected to have basic knowledge in social theory and research methodology. Please provide the secondary school leaving certificate in the original language. If the diploma is not issued in English, a certified translation should be provided. The document must be legalised/apostilled. Поступив в университет, вам необходимо предоставить оригиналы документов об образовании. Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original. |
Требования к территории | Заявления из следующих стран НЕ приняты (основываясь на гражданстве): Бангладеш, Ирак, Йемен, Пакистан. |
Языковые требования | английский Applicants must be able to present good English knowledge (minimum – CEFR level B2, IELTS score 6.0, TOEFL score 520, TOEFL-iBT score 68), Duolingo 115+ |
Другие требования | Необходимо предоставить не менее 1 рекомендации(й). К вашему заявлению необходимо приложить мотивационное письмо. • motivation (online interview) |
The programme aims to educate highly qualified specialists for managerial posts in organizations of public and private sectors as well as for research institutions. The study programme ensures the student-centred approach to the study process which allows students to develop their theoretical and empirical knowledge, skills and competence for the in-depth analysis of the contemporary social processes, organizational performance and issues of public administration.
The programme covers two academic years. In the 1st semester students extend their knowledge and skills in sociological theory, research methodology and techniques, organizational behaviour, and public administration. Study courses of the 2nd semester specifically focus on organizational studies, the public and nongovernmental sector, social welfare, research of the quality of life, rural studies, and development programmes. During the research practice in the 3rd semester students are offered to visit organizations of the public sector and are required to demonstrate their practical skills in one of the organizations; a few compulsory and elective courses are also delivered such as Project Management, Policy Analysis, Human Development, Time Management, and Innovations and Creativity. In the 4th semester the programme is completed with the elaboration and defence of a Master’s thesis.
Карьерные возможности
The graduates work and have successful careers in a wide variety of areas, such as teaching, research, politics, public administration, municipalities, social and health services, the media, personnel management, NGO and trade unions, insurance companies, police and Probation Service. A number of graduates have pursued their careers also in scientific and research institutions. The graduates are eligible to continue studies in the respective doctoral programmes in Latvia or abroad.