МагистрAviation Transport (2 years)
Место обучения | Латвия, Рига |
Научная область | Transport services (ISCED 84) Aviation studies (JACS H460) |
Тип | Магистр, полная академическая нагрузка |
Номинальная продолжительность | 2 года/лет (120 ECTS) |
Язык обучения | английский |
Присваиваемая квалификация | Магистр (Professional Master Degree in Aviation Transport) |
Код курса | AMGA0 |
Аккредитация | 16.11.2022 - 17.011.2028; Accreditation certificate No 2022/30-A |
Плата за обучение | 5 310 € за годКонвертировать |
Плата за рассмотрение заявления | 1 800 € один разКонвертировать |
Предоплата | 250 € один разКонвертировать Подлежит возврату |
Регистрационный взнос | Уточняется You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Полученное образование | Диплом о получении высшего образования первой ступени (или выше) Требуемая степень: Профессиональная степень Бакалавра в области Авиационного Транспорта или Степень Бакалавра Технических наук или Эллектроники Applicants must upload education documents in original language, as well as translations into English. Поступив в университет, вам необходимо предоставить оригиналы документов об образовании. |
Требования к территории | Заявления из следующих стран НЕ приняты (основываясь на гражданстве): Бангладеш, Ирак, Йемен, Пакистан. |
Языковые требования | английский Accepted proof of proficiency: FCE or CAE, IELTS 5.5+, TOEFL IBT 75+ or TOEFL paper based test 500+ |
Другие требования | Необходимо предоставить не менее 2 рекомендации(й). К вашему заявлению необходимо приложить мотивационное письмо. Every student should pass recorded video interview before receiving the final admission. More details will be provided during the application. |
The Master study programme will equip experienced aviation industry personnel with the necessary knowledge of the complex disciplines and an understanding of the technical, operational and maintenance pressures impacting flight operations and CAMO engineering.
The aim of the programme is to prepare students for work in the construction and maintenance of aviation transportation infrastructure, operation and maintenance service for aircraft mechanical systems and technical systems of avionics, system operation analysis and design.
Teaching staff with the latest aviation trend experience and know-how,
International guest lecturers,
Fully equipped professional laboratories with experienced staff.
Структура программы
Column 1 shows credit points for variant with total of 80.0 CP / 120.0 ECTS
Column 2 shows credit points for variant with total of 121.0 CP / 181.5 ECTS
A Compulsory study courses 10.0 (15.0 ECTS) 17.0 (25.5 ECTS)
Standardization, Certification and Licensing in Air Transport
Aviation Devices and Systems
Dynamics of Flight
Analysis of Aviation Transport Reliability
Digital Techniques Electronic Instrument Systems
Global Satellite Navigation Systems
Aircraft and Electronic Equipments Maintenance (Study Project)
Column 1 shows credit points for variant with total of 80.0 CP / 120.0 ECTS
Column 2 shows credit points for variant with total of 121.0 CP / 181.5 ECTS
B Compulsory elective study courses 36.0 (54.0 ECTS) 0 (0 ECTS)
B1 Field-specific study course 34.0 (51.0 ECTS) 42.0 (63.0 ECTS)
Experimental Methods in Mechanics
Computer Methods for Test Planning and Data Processing
Theory of Elasticity
Aircraft Maintenance and its Technical Management
Finite Element Method and its Applications
Mechanics and Strengh of Composite Materials
Structures Dynamics
Laser Technology in Production and Repair of Vehicles
Theoretical Fundamentals of Flight Safety
Applied Continuum Theory
Markov Processes and Preventive Maintenance Models
Design Automation of Machines
Parametric Modelling of Mechanical Objects
Structure Peculiarities of Modern Aircraft
Fracture Mechanics
Calculation Methods in Mechanics
Transport logistics
Aircraft and Systems Reliability Strategy
Mathematical Simulation of the Heat Engine Characteristics
The Nondestructive Methods of Monitoring of Aviation Construction
CALS Technologies in Vehicle Engineering
Air Accident Investigation
Transport Ecology
Aviation Legislation and International Rules of Flights
Engineering diagnostics of an aircraft
Aviation Technical English
Economics of Aviation Transport
Human Factor
Civil Aviation Engines
Civil Aviation Aircraft
Ergonomics and labour protection at the aviation transport
Safety of Aircraft Flights
Aircraft Aviation and Radioelectronic Equipment
Organization and Ensuring of Aircraft Operation
Technical Operation of Aircraft and Engines
Microprocessor Aviation Technologies
Special Electrical Machines of Aviation Automatics
Analysis and Synthesis of Aviation Electrical Machines
Communication Infrastructure of Aviation
Avionic Systems
Methods and Means of Diagnostics of Aircraft Electrical Systems
Analysis and Synthesis of Aircraft Power Supply System
Automatic Control Systems of Aircraft
Structure Optimization of Aircraft Navigation Complexes
Navigation and Fly Complexes of Aircraft
Aircraft Pilotage Complex and Flight Management Systems
Radio Eelectronic Eequipment of Aircraft
Methods and Systems of Radio Navigation of Aircraft
Modern Technologies of Fiber-Optical Networks in Aviation
Aircraft Computers and Computer Systems
Analysis and Synthesis of Aircraft Power Supply System
Analysis of the System Structure of the Avionics Equipment Automatic Flight Control
Digital Signals Processing in Avionics Equipment
Aviation Electronic Device Design and Modelling
Elements and Components of Microwave Technology in Aviation
Aircraft Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems
Electrical Power Supply Systems of Aircraft
Aircraft Electrical Systems
Microprocessor Aviation Technologies
Dynamics and Errors of an Aviation Electric Drive
Organization, Planning and Management of the Technological Processes
Column 1 shows credit points for variant with total of 80.0 CP / 120.0 ECTS
Column 2 shows credit points for variant with total of 121.0 CP / 181.5 ECTS
B5 Pedagogical and psychological sciences study courses 2.0 (3.0 ECTS) 2.0 (3.0 ECTS)
Column 1 shows credit points for variant with total of 80.0 CP / 120.0 ECTS
Column 2 shows credit points for variant with total of 121.0 CP / 181.5 ECTS
C Free elective study courses 8.0 (12.0 ECTS) 0 (0 ECTS)
D Practical Placement 6.0 (9.0 ECTS) 32.0 (48.0 ECTS)
Practical Placement
Practical Placement
Column 1 shows credit points for variant with total of 80.0 CP / 120.0 ECTS
Column 2 shows credit points for variant with total of 121.0 CP / 181.5 ECTS
E Final examination 20.0 (30.0 ECTS) / 28.0 (42.0 ECTS)
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
Master Thesis Including Project
Master Thesis
Карьерные возможности
Aviation specialists can work in a variety of positions including aircraft operation and maintenance engineers in airports, engineers-designers in aircraft and aviation system production companies, engineers in aviation maintenance companies, researchers in research centres and airfreight logistics specialists in logistic companies.In addition, specialists can perform analytical and managerial work as well as scientific research work.