Электрическая и компьютерная инженерия
Место обучения | Соединенные Штаты, Эри |
Тип | Магистр, полная академическая нагрузка |
Номинальная продолжительность | 1 год (30 ECTS) |
Язык обучения | английский |
Плата за обучение | 995 $ за зачетную единицуКонвертировать |
Плата за рассмотрение заявления | 50 $ один разКонвертировать |
Регистрационный взнос | Уточняется You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Полученное образование | Диплом о получении высшего образования первой ступени (или выше) Документы об образовании принимаются на следующих языках: английский. Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original. В университет необходимо отправить по почте заверенные копии документов об образовании. Важно! Не отправляйте по почте оригиналы документов! |
Языковые требования | английский TOEFL 95+ |
Другие требования | Следует предоставить не менее 3 рекомендации(й). Completed application • Transcripts for all prior college course work • Three recommendation letters |
Дополнительная информация |
This is Electrical and Computer Engineering. Students can choose their focus from Electrical Engineering or Embedded Software.
Структура программы
Compulsory for both (Electrical Engineering or Embedded Software)
Embedded C Programming Advanced Engineering Analysis
One of the:
Engineering Project & Management
Requirements Engineering
Introduction to Systems Engineering
Electrical Engineering:
Engineering Project & Management 3 credits
Fuzzy Control 3 credits
Advanced Programming In C/C++ 3 credits
Object-Oriented Modeling 3 credits
Special Topics in Engineering 3 credits
Engineering Analysis I 3 credits
Nonlinear Analysis 3 credits
Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems 3 credits
Embedded C Programming 3 credits
Software Tools 3 credits
Advanced Engineering Analysis 3 credits
Introduction to Systems Engineering 3 credits
Requirements Engineering 3 credits
System Testing 3 credits
Stability Analysis of Multidimensional Dynamic Systems 3 credits
Special Topics in Engineering 3 credits
Graduate Professional Experience 1 credit
Engineering Analysis II 3 credits
Directed Project 3-6 credits
Thesis 3-6 credits
Embedded Software:
Introduction to Embedded Systems 3 credits
Personal Software Process 3 credits
Embedded Software Paradigms 3 credits
Embedded Systems Design 3 credits
VHDL 3 credits
Hw/Sw Co-Design 3 credits
Rapid Prototyping with FPGA 3 credits
Data Integrity on Computer Networks 3 credits
Modern Control Theory 3 credits
Digital Control 3 credits
Sensors and Actuators 3 credits
Electronic Systems Design & Integration 3 credits
Карьерные возможности
Electrical Engineering or Embedded Software