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Once a niche form of entertainment, video games are now among the most ubiquitous pastime activities globally, rivaling even its natural competitors, such as the film and TV industries. If you find the idea of working on new, meaningful experiences intriguing, the video game industry – estimated to reach over $250 billion by 2025 – might be just for you! Given the fact that video game development requires not only mastering the most advanced technologies, but also a good deal of creativity, there’s no shortage of opportunities for programmers, testers, graphic artists, writers, project managers, and other professionals. Whatever you choose to pursue, a Bachelor’s degree in Game Development can help you massively.
The programme, which awards a Gaming Studies degree, is focused on building the students’ overall capacity for working in the video game industry. This includes programming basics, 3D modelling, computer graphics and animation, video game physics, data structures and algorithms, project management, and game development using the highly popular and versatile Unity3D engine.

In addition, during your studies in Lithuania you will learn the intricacies of making quality audiovisual content, and working with interactive media components, smart devices and other multimedia.
Developing a video game is an effort that usually requires a large team of dedicated professionals and a vast array of practical skills. To ensure that our students are up to the task, we offer extensive training in media and online information systems, the basics of human-computer interaction, audio and video processing, visual thinking, and (obviously) video game development.

With all of this know-how under your belt, you’ll be able to work as a programmer, developer or designer at any video game development, media or IT company – or build a business from scratch and pursue your dreams on your own terms!

Структура программы

1 year
Game Design
Applied Information Technologies
Basics of Programming (C++)
Professional English
Computer Graphics and Animation
Professional Language and Written Communication
Computer Architecture
Object-Oriented Programming (C++)
Human Computer Interaction
3D Graphics Modeling
Game Project
Optional Subject

2 year
Operating Systems and System Software
Data Structures and Algorithms
Professional English
Computer Game Physics
Guided Internship: Computer Game Prototype Development Project
Basics of Web Technologies
Basics of Law
Audiovisual Technologies
Computer Networks and Security
Computer Game Development Basics and Technologies
Game Project
Optional Subject
Internship in a Company

3 year
Web Games Programming
Software Engineering
Integrated Business Studies
IT Project Management
Interdisciplinary Project
Computer Game Development (Unity)
Multimedia for Smart Devices (Java)
Optional Subject
Final Internship
Bachelor Thesis/Project

Карьерные возможности

Upon graduating from the programme – and becoming highly sought-after professionals – our students are able to (among other things):

Develop video games and mobile applications;
Apply their web and ICT knowledge to complex projects;
Build attractive online information systems;
Generate engaging audiovisual content;
Excel in a fast-paced, rapidly-changing, high-tech work environment.
Prospects for internship/placement

Of all the fields of ICT specialities, computer programmers remain the most in-demand specialists in the market. The computer gaming industry has already surpassed the film industry by popularity. Computer game development is an innovative and promising technology and must be observed from a creative perspective. It provides career opportunities for energetic and creative IT students.

Подать заявление! Monthly entrollment 2024/25
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Подать заявление! Весенний семестр 2025
Период подачи заявлений истек
Начало обучения
4 февр. 2025 г.
Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2025/26
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
Начало обучения
16 сент. 2025 г.
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Подать заявление! Monthly entrollment 2024/25
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
Подать заявление! Весенний семестр 2025
Период подачи заявлений истек
Начало обучения
4 февр. 2025 г.
Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2025/26
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
Начало обучения
16 сент. 2025 г.
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